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Modern politics abandons women. The goal of this article is to convince you that both the far left and a segment of the far right are equal when it comes to women’s issues.
I’ll be breaking this down into three sections: the far right, the far left, and the sensible solution.
I will do my best to not create straw men, but “far left” and “far right” are very broad, so I’ll be taking specific individual beliefs to use. This may not apply to all political branches within the left and right umbrella terms, but these stances are typically uniform beliefs across the two political fields.
The far right typically venerates and endorses stay at home moms or housewives. The Proud Boys, a group previously created by Gavin McInnes, summarizes it well:
Women are letting their ovaries dry up for some stupid career like blogging.
You’d be happier as a housewife and “venerate the housewife”
You represent the 95% [who would be happier at home], and the pendulum of feminism has swung so far against what’s natural that you feel, I’m guessing, that that would be “selling out,” and “well, maybe when I’m 40 I’ll settle down and have a kid.” After your eggs are completely gone and you can have 8 or 9 miscarriages like that black actress…after it’s too late.
This group espouses the idea that women should be stay-at-home moms where the father is the primary breadwinner.
Which is fine, if that’s what both the man and woman want. If it works for them, or for you, great.
But this philosophy throws away any desire or drive for a woman to fulfill a skill set or education.
Who benefits from women immediately becoming housewives upon adulthood? It sure isn’t society. Or the woman… Or the man.
So if neither society, men, or women are bettering themselves from these beliefs on women, why do we even consider it?
I personally think it has to do with control. Men are naturally protective and have a drive to provide. We want to protect and provide for our woman. Some men take this to an extreme and feel they need a larger amount of control over women to ensure this happens.
So on the surface, it’s not a great philosophy. But they make it for good reasons; to protect women. Which I feel like a lot of left-leaning individuals don’t recognize.
I also don’t see many far right wanting to subjugate women simply because they want to dominate their lives. It’s usually with good intentions. However, their intentions are misguided. Some education and skills are useful.
As discussed above, the best way to have control over your family is for the wife to have full control over herself. A skilled, educated, and career-possible woman is far more likely to keep your family safe in any situation that could happen. The best way to control something is to put the best people in charge of it. The best person to be in charge of themselves is, well, theirself.
This ensures that society is better off, women are protected and in control of their own destiny, and men have safeguards for their children along with financially non-dependent spouses. Everyone wins here.
The far left position on women tends to put women into a position contrary to long-term happiness and health. The large-scale push for “sex positivity” along with acceptance of porn and prostitution put women in an awkward limbo trying to decide if it is worse being on the far right side or the far left side, where both positions harm them.
Sex knowledge, spread primarily through communication and open dialogue, has certainly made sex better for women. However, widespread sexual openness has done little to satisfy or better women. The vast majority of women desire more emotional bonding over short-term sexual gratification. Yet, with the sexual marketplace opening up the rates of these connections are declining.
Men know they can have sex with easy women, so they invest less time in women. Resulting in many women being put in horrible spots when trying to find a partner. More and more women feel as though they have to put out just to keep seeing a guy they are interested in or to be accepted within these new cultural norms. This has even branched out to extreme degenerate behavior that annihilates any future loving sexual relationships the women would later like to have.
The far left’s promotion of degenerate, selfish behavior will only harm women’s long-term happiness.
We also have so many more women accepting, encouraging, or viewing porn. Porn is absolutely degrading, non-empowering, and harmful to men and women. Porn changes male expectations of women and destroys loving, passionate, mutually satisfactory sexual experiences. It has brought about a tremendous increase in odd and weird sex acts outside a normal scope of sexuality. It also further exploits women to regard them only as physical objects to be utilized as pleasure factories by men, instead of conscious human beings. Porn is also incredibly violent and largely male-driven. You cannot create a commodity of the exploitation of women and render it empowering.
Then we have issues of prostitution where they consider it a potential empowering source for women because of its sex positivity. Yet, it is impossible for there to be any level of equality between the sexes when one can go buy the other one. We can’t have a sustainable, just society while violence against women is rampant and there is a financial incentive (taxation) to our own government to exploit them.
Certain branches of feminism on the far left also make a nasty habit of creating a dynamic where it is strictly man vs. woman. Where every man is an instigator of the “patriarchy” and wants to subjugate and hold down all women. This is not common outside of the far right. Most men want women to be happy, successful, and thrive. The constant cycle of self-victimization only harms women and makes them less likely to want to better themselves or those around them. The hatred of men and the disregard to find middle ground only further splinters the moderates that want everyone to have a better life.
This section deserves its own sub-heading because of how often we debate and discuss it in the U.S.
The far left have created a climate where they want all women to be believed when they speak on sexual assault charges and then have that belief be acted upon without hesitation. See: Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh had rape accusers that later changed their stories, recanted, or outright said they lied [1] [2].
Some in the far right have tried to create a climate where all of these accusations hold no merit. They have disagreed on the stance of rape and what constitutes “rape”.
Both groups are crazy. I feel most sensible women will understand that we need to have a due process with our laws and accusations. One cannot just accuse someone of something and have their life destroyed, especially if it was so long ago in the past that any form of evidence is long gone. But I understand the disdain for the rape apologists and far right attitudes as well. Dismissing and discouraging women from coming forward has its own significant disadvantages.
We can’t exactly fix the sexual assault that has occurred in the past. But we can fix it moving forward.
We should educate men on what constitutes rape. Many far right proponents immediately “shut off” when they hear the teach men not to rape slogan. I know, I used to be one of them that shut off.
I thought to myself, obviously we know rape is bad. What kind of BS is this? It’s a losing strategy to position your stance like that if you want to change the hearts and minds of the other side.
Instead, we should simply teach men respectable boundaries.
When men hear “rape”, most of us think of the violent version. The ‘break down of the door of a single woman’s apartment and forcible commit a heinous crime’ variant. We all know this is wrong.
We don’t think about the other forms of assault. Grey areas, such as when a woman is drunk or when the woman is a significant other that just doesn’t feel comfortable doing things and the man becomes pushy. We need to teach men that these things are a form of sexual exploitation that makes women feel abused, and that it is a messed up thing to do.
We do need to teach men these boundaries. But we cannot remove due process for these men, either.
In short, we need a positive climate for women to come forward immediately after they feel abused or taken advantage of. We need solid laws to ensure due process for men. Further, we need viable protection to ensure their lives aren’t ruined for false accusations and that those that falsely accuse are punished. We also need men to be open to re-learning about sex and how to be a good, loving partner while being knowledgeable on sexual assault/exploitation.
Let’s promote women to let them do what is best for all parties, whether that be a housewife or a career-oriented woman.
Let’s provide safeguards and education to men and women to ensure sexual relationships are open, fun, and safe.
We should encourage women to develop life skills, seek education, and better themselves so as not to be dependent on their man.
We should strive to create a society where men and women act as team members instead of fostering the us vs. them attitude of feminism.
Let’s stop allowing the proliferation and destructive properties of prostitution, porn, and other forms of sexual exploitation.
We should work to educate men on the benefits of having a stable woman.
Let’s create a mutually beneficial environment for women to report sexual assault and for men to learn about sexual boundaries.
We should encourage and promote tangible solutions for long-term happiness for both sexes instead of short-term vice.
And finally, we should stop being so moronic by politicizing everything. We all have a stake in this and need to quit the constant division that is tearing the genders apart.
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