Data On The Illegal Alien Invasion
Now here is a chart that is as enlightening as it is terrifying:
If trends continue at this rate, we will have more invaders entering in than we have American births. And this includes expulsions! Incredible.
This is an unbelievable chart, something that I cannot even fathom. Right here you have clear-as-day end of empire data.
[If you have not, I encourage you to read my anacyclosis articles, which detail these cycle of collapse events. Find those articles here: Compilation: Historical Texts On Anacyclosis.]
This is the data that historians look back on centuries from now with disbelief, due to the sheer insanity of it all.
This is not a sustainable condition. A nation—Hell, not even an empire—can preserve under such conditions for long.
I know few can believe it, but Rome fell with even fewer barbarians at the gate.
Read Next: The Ominous Purpose Of Illegal Immigration
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