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A Map Of Cold War 2.0

Is it a map of Cold War 2.0 or World War 3? You decide.
Cold War 2 featured image

Stumbled upon this map detailing the current situation for Cold War 2.0. Or, if you are of the mindset that World War III has already begun, then here is a map of that:

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A Map Of Cold War 2.0 - showing the world broken down by West, anti-West, non-aligned, and others.

Can’t say that I disagree with much of it. Besides a few small, relatively insignificant places.

For the most part, it captures all the big players.

One piece I will nitpick though Is Mongolia. I sure do not see them being too functionally pro-West. They seem to be far more skirting the two lines than anything. Also, Mexico is also functionally pro-West, given their new president. Further, places like Serbia/Romania remain functionally Anti-Western.

Still, this is a relatively accurate view.

If anything does pop off, I would not want to be in one of those border states in Europe. But alas, I guess given the new Oreshniks, nowhere is safe anyway.

I thought this was a thought-provoking view of the current situation. Sometimes we get too bogged down in the little details here and there. The war is not just here; it is everywhere. So it is good to always keep in mind that bigger picture. That’s why I’m sharing it here. Enjoy.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

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