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The Story Of Nations

The Story of Nations - All recorded history proves that the rise and fall of every nation has followed a similar pattern.

There aren’t a whole slew of reasons why someone should read /pol/. But every once in a while I like to give it a glance. This time, I stumbled upon a graphic titled “The Story of Nations” that I thought was really interesting. Supposedly, someone from Reddit found it in an old textbook and posted it in the_donald.

Regardless of where it came from, it has a pretty unique insight into how some of our ancestors even knew what was coming. Let’s break it down:

The Story of Nations

the story of nations image

  1. The people go from CHAINS to spiritual faith
  2. From SPIRITUAL FAITH to courage
  3. From COURAGE to liberty
  4. From LIBERTY to abundance
  5. From ABUNDANCE to selfishness (Rise of Secularism)
  6. From SELFISHNESS to complacency
  7. From COMPLACENCY to apathy
  8. From APATHY to dependency
  9. From DEPENDENCY and degeneracy back again to bondage

All recorded history proves that the rise and fall of every nation has followed the above pattern.

The “Welfare State” and the “Federal Handout” were used by power hungry Social Planners to destroy every great civilization.

So we were, according to the original creators of this image, at 7 to 8. Meaning, this was around the time when complacency was already common place (sounds about right given the graphics design), and apathy was leading to dependency (which has now taken a full stranglehold).

I’d argue that America has gone even further, being at 8 to 9 now (dependency & degeneracy). Hopefully, the authors are right, that is not too late to stop the clock. But only time will tell.

The Story of Nations can also be boiled down pretty easily with the following:

9 to 1: Tough Times


2 to 3: Strong men


4 to 5: Good times


6 to 8: Weak Men


9 to 1: Tough Times

ad infinitum

Read Next: 55 Reasons Why Socialism Sucks


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

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