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Politicians must toe a specific line based on their voting population to stay in power. They must also be bought by corporates to pay for expenses relating to their campaigns. Things like advertisements and traveling expenses. They get this money through “donations”, typically stemming from large corporations who expect political support in return.
They also survive off of a certain level of acceptance from the voting population. Without that support, they lose their jobs and can no longer exert their influence over the territory of their electorate.
Thus, to get power, they have not only to toe to corporations, but individuals as well.
It’s easy to get this individual support from dependent citizens. If you promise to continue giving them the items that make them dependent, they will surely vote for you. Even if it is not in their long-term best interest. Free money always seems great to the dependent individuals who desire it.
This gives the politicians more power. They know for sure a certain number of the electorate will vote for them because they are dependent on that support. By increasing the number of those individuals who are dependent on their financial “gift”, they get a more sure-fire way to stay in power. It gives them the ability to exert more influence in other areas because they know they won’t have to worry about re-election as seriously because their constituents depend on getting that government paycheck.
Consider social security. The very idea of getting rid of it is practically impossible. Everyone believes they are entitled to it. Why? Because they paid into it. But hard-working Americans who paid the most into it won’t receive a much larger check come retirement time (compared to say, an individual that barely worked throughout life).
So is this program efficient? Is it true that hard-work gives good rewards? Not in a welfare state. In this scenario, it doesn’t matter how hard you worked, just that you are entitled to other’s hard earned money.
You are also less likely to fight against the government or their problems if you are reliant on their money. Do you ever expect someone that has been on welfare for over three years to speak out against welfare abuse? Of course not. They are the ones gaming the system.
So by increasing government dependency, we see an increase in politicians’ powers, easier to sustain (and pass) welfare programs, and less likelihood of fighting against government abuses.
Extend unemployment benefits, loosen work requirements, increase regulations, and increase supplemental programs like food stamps.
As mentioned above, by hooking more people into the welfare-state programs, we see an increase in government dependency.
If you rely on food stamps, you will never vote for someone that says they want to increase restrictions on food stamps, even if it is something reasonable. Something reasonable, like enforcing drug testing to ensure they’re not spending the food stamp money on an illegal addiction.
The number of examples is endless. But any type of welfare program will increase dependency, unless only used in exceptional circumstances or with time-limits.
As welfare increases, the rate of charity contributions goes down. Why? Simple: If you’re paying a huge amount in taxes, you don’t have as much to give to charity.
Likewise, if you’re paying a huge amount in taxes that go to social programs, you don’t feel the desire to donate to charity because your money is already going toward it through government programs.
Finally, with increasing welfare we see a complication with filing taxes. Giving money to charities is tax deductible and could be further encouraged through additional tax breaks based on charitable giving. But if you are already providing money toward charitable (but forced) programs through government income tax, you have no incentive to supply more money toward this objective.
So what has happened? Voluntary associations have been overtaken by government associations. Instead of charity supplying the needs to the poor (and while being more efficient), we see the government doing it instead.
A better method has already been tried. Giving tax breaks and tax encouragement to donate to charity. That way, the money isn’t forced. The charities are private and thus more efficient than government bureaucracy. Especially if the people are given oversight over the charity. And the individuals on these programs are less likely to be allowed to remain on through loopholes indefinitely. Not to forget that under this setup, you get to choose where your charity money goes, instead of having the options forced on you.
Illegals are dependent on the support of those who continue to look the other way. Thus, if they decide to (illegally) vote, they will always choose the options that grant them that amnesty and support. The taxpayer burden brought on by illegal immigrants through healthcare, schooling, and national security is horrendous. That money itself could go to bettering our infrastructure to help all actual Americans.
The sanctuary cities vastly help increase dependency, because these cities are 100% dependent on federal government funding and federal immigration agents not enforcing the law within them.
Dependent advocates would ask that you pay for their school, healthcare, food stamps, unemployment benefits, retirement, and everything else.
By forcing these social programs, they get a hand over anyone else that would speak against them. Because they will become like social security: infallible, and unable to be repealed because so many are now dependent on it. So with each forced social program comes an army of individuals now dependent on it who can’t (won’t) fight against it.
More looking for work than there are company’s open positions creates a shortage and drives wages down. It also leads some to not being able to find work.
With fewer wages or no work, we see the same result. Those individuals affected by the outsourcing or offshoring will have to go on some social programs. Increasing government dependency and furthering the problem.
By allowing these companies to flee to employ slave-wages in countries like India, China, and Mexico also kills our own self reliance. And not just on an individual level, but a governmental one as well. If we can’t manufacture our own goods, what happens if an international conflict hits the US? Any country that is angry at us can simply cut off trade routes, and suddenly we don’t have any of the necessary manufacturing capabilities needed to survive.
The fallacy of globalism at its finest.
Definition: “the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.”
IE: “These are my opinions and I am better than you because of them.” It’s the sinister tactic of the dependent parties.
If you are given the title of being cold or heartless, no one will support you or your beliefs. Even if these beliefs are formulated using good, honest intention.
This is what these individuals do. Virtue signal. To shut out debate by giving themselves the moral authority and thus the successful conclusion of the argument. This is a false argument reasoning, and should be carefully watched whenever someone that supports these programs speaks.
Virtual signaling increases government dependency by taking all the above reasons and protects them from logical discussion. How can someone fight against social programs if immediately they are deemed as evil people who hate the poor? It’s a sinister tactic and one that is sure to continue for a long time into the future.
“America is increasingly moving away from a nation of self-reliant individuals, where civil society flourishes, toward a nation of individuals less inclined to practicing self-reliance and personal responsibility”—Heritage Foundation report on government dependency.
In 2011, 44.7% of Americans did not pay income taxes. This means the burden on actual taxpayers is astronomically high, to support all those dependent on government programs.
Many citizens who don’t even pay taxes, but still receive the benefits.
If everyone paid their fair share, could it work? Sure. Even if it is morally wrong to take from others. But the fact is, is that many Americans don’t contribute. Thus, those that do shield the greatest burden. And isn’t it also morally wrong to punish those who strive to work hard and do well in life?
This dependency increases entitlement behavior. The world owes me X. Society owes me Y. Are they true? NO.
You aren’t “owed” anything. The world isn’t fair. It never will be. The strongest and smartest will always rise to the top, regardless of how many regulations you put on them.
By fostering a society of people who are entitled little brats, we increase the amount of those who support these types of programs and drag the rest of us down with them.
What happens if the government suddenly can’t foot their bill? We already have a tremendous debt. Social programs have been growing. So what happens if suddenly the government says: “sorry, we can’t pay now.”?
The dependents won’t have the tools or skills necessary to survive. By fostering this dependency, they lose their self-reliance abilities. These are essential to survival and betterment by any person.
Take another example. Consider if the government can’t pay the bills they have, so they print more money. Now inflation goes through the roof. One dollar is now worth much less than what it was yesterday. Those who diligently paid their taxes and survive off of their remaining income have less money in savings. Those who are reliant on the government receive less in purchasing power. Everyone in this situation loses. Besides the government, who just procrastinated the problem.
We must have self-reliance and encourage it. It is what leads us to innovation, survival aptitude, a more communal society, and individual confidence.
Don’t surrender your independence. Become better. Become stronger. Fight to be more self-reliant. And encourage others to do the same.
Independence and strength are the founding principles of Western society. Show others the greatness of these virtues and build them in yourself.
This is a personal fight we have to do; the government cannot do it for us.
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