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The Amount of Votes That Went For Biden

The Amount of Votes That Went For Biden Is Truly Terrifying

A democracy blackpill: The 2020 election. Look at how many votes went to Biden. It is truly terrifying.

The Amount of Votes That Went For Biden

If you need any more reasons to doubt democracy, just consider the amount of votes Biden received.

This is a man that was exposed as a corrupt politician meddling in other nations elections and investigations.

This is a man with a son that acted as his “bag man” and smoked crack.

This is a man who is clearly under the hand of the Chinese who hold dirt on him and his family.

This is a man that could barely articulate a sentence during half of his rallies.

This is a man that forgot he was running for president over 10 times.

This is a man that spent over four decades in politics. During that tenure he become a millionaire and changed nothing.

This is a man with a policy platform that would absolutely destroy this nation.

Yet, this is the man who half the voters in the nation voted for.

A corrupt, demented, foreign-controlled, creepy, moronic, career politician.

Democracy: not even once.

Read Next:

A Brief Overview of Enclavism

The Absolute Catastrophe That Is The Biden Campaign

The Walls Are Collapsing On The Biden Crime Family

Direct Democracy is Terrible: Protecting Representative Democracy


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1389

One comment

  1. Brighten wouldn’t have got a million votes if it was done legally this dude had 12 people showing up at his rallies like he said come on man cheater and a criminal

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