Addressing the leading principle problem found in the legacy government framework.
On Gratitude
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
The Time Limit Assigned To You
Your life is time limited. Are you using that precious little time wisely?
Glorification Of Spiritual Ignorance
What we can learn from René Guénon and a short excerpt from his work “The Crisis Of The Modern World”: A lesson on spiritual ignorance.
Hard Work Versus Diligent Work
We must be diligent in our work. An article on how the concept of a work ethic has degenerated twice over in our current civilization.
What Is Degeneracy?
Degeneracy: The process of deteriorating from a higher moral, physical, and intellectual condition to a lower undesirable form.
A Nation’s Relationship With Strength
A nation with a proper relationship to strength will not focus on conquest, but on temperance.
The Red Terror In Spain: A Lesson In Resilience
Exploring the lessons that dissidents can learn from the Red Terror in Spain.
Breaking God’s Law: The Futility Of Violence Against The Enemy
Let the beast destroy itself. When God desires to destroy clown world, he will enjoy that pleasure himself.
The Pleonexia of the Centralizer
Pleonexia is an ancient Greek term that has fallen out of modern usage. But it shouldn’t have—Because it’s still relevant.