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Libertarian nation:
We’re in favor of open borders!
Libertarian nation:
Has tens of millions of immigrants flock to it that vote against the interests of libertarians and for their in-group preferences.
Libertarian nation:
No longer has any libertarians
But, we don’t really need to meme the libertarians. They do it to themselves:
Obviously, the Libertarian Party is a joke. How about the sooner we build a better electoral system that doesn’t allow a fraudulent election to occur, the sooner the Capitol will stop being overrun by patriots?
The “let centralizers keep centralizing with no restrictions” crowd are what got us here. Libertarians are a useful pawn for these centralizers.
They are an especially useful pawn when they can simply be bought out by the mega-billions from the Antifa/BLM-type groups.
It is important for those on the right to always recognize that Libertarianism is largely what has brought about our massive decline. People on the right decided not to stand up for their morals, their narrative, or their beliefs. Instead, opting for the “live and let live” slogan. Instead letting leftists run rampant across all cultural institutions without much of a fight, because of “free” business, “free” press, and “free” everything else that is no longer free. What’s the worst that could happen?
Well, they lived and let lived. Now, the libertarians kneel or get crushed. Their tolerance lead to leftist control of every institution in this country.
And it doesn’t take rocket science to figure out why this is a bad approach. Letting people do whatever they want invariably lets evil people do whatever they want. It lets centralizers centralize everything. Our country, at its conception, was rather libertarian. Over time, it became this degenerate wasteland of immorality, election fraud, and foreign corruption that it is today. Libertarianism, therefore, led to this.
Their system degrades. It cannot sustain itself long-term. It is far too open to the risks of centralization by elites. No amount of free people voting can fix that flaw.
It’s a failed experiment. No different than other failed systems like socialism. Let’s not try it again. It doesn’t work.
Continued support of libertarianism is not even a defense within an already degenerated country. It’s already fallen, stop trying to de-centralize what has already been centralized by those who already exploited the live and let live types. It is a cause of the decline, not the solution.
Libertarianism (from French: libertaire, “libertarian”; from Latin: libertas, “freedom”) is a political philosophy and movement that upholds liberty as a core principle.[1] Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing free association, freedom of choice, individualism and voluntary association.[2]
Should be redefined as:
Libertarianism (from French: libertaire, “libertarian”; from Latin: libertas, “freedom”) is a political philosophy and movement that upholds liberty as a core principle.[1] Libertarians seek to maximize your ability to be destroyed by Big Tech, lose your culture, murder your next generation of children, enact a nation full of selfish money-obsessed narcissists, and directly lead to a rule by few tyranny once enough degeneration occurs[2]
Libertarianism is a fine concept in theory. The problem is in practice. Live and let live. Non-aggression. So forth. In practice, however, it doesn’t work. It merely grants power to those who will inevitably find ways to abuse it.
It led us to where we are as a country right now. Where centralizers control everything. Where half of the country is at the throat of the other half. Where no one even knows what an “American” is anymore.
Still like Ron Paul though. Mostly for the crush the fed fireside chats. At least he is genuine.
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