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One of the most hilarious election results from the 2024 election occurred in Arizona.
DC_Draino mentions the absurdity of it here:
Here are the final results:
It never ceases to make me laugh now that normal conservatives are finally seeing this. I am not complaining in any way, because we need more people seeing it. But I also can’t help but get a chuckle out of it or their inability to go deeper.
It is like the average conservative can see one onion layer, but just can’t handle the burn to get to the next layer.
Of course Kari Lake had election fraud working against her. That onion layer is correct and accurate.
But go deeper. Ask yourself:
This question is irreconcilable to the average conservative. Because they can’t accept that the fraudsters wanted both 1) Kari Lake out and 2) Donald Trump in.
Just like how the fraudsters stopped her, they let him in.
Both fraud. Both accurate and both of the same onion. But only some people can see that second layer.
To the normiecon, only the top layer of fake elections can be seen.
But to the wise sage, it was always all election fraud. The puppet-masters just wanted both Trump and the cartel guy to win.
If you disagree with this, then answer this: If the fraudsters had the power to change the results for Kari Lake (an essential senate seat), why did they not do so for Trump? The margin of error in terms of votes is clearly achievable given the above final tallies.
Any group or activist organization risking their you-know-what to fraud an election would not take a lower seat while allowing the higher seat to remain in the enemy’s hands. That’s a suicide wish. If Trump were actually their enemy, he could rout out their fraud. They would not be able to truly hide. The risk is too high for a minor senate seat.
No sane fraud group would not change the lesser one (Kari’s Arizona seat) while granting the greater seat to the enemy. Especially if they were truly worried about Trump actually draining the swamp!
It is all a shame. It is all a show.
There is no conquering the DC swamp. There is no fixing it.
Both results are “fraud” in the sense that they were planned and decided beforehand. They did so by letting one slide through using the popular vote (Trump’s victory), but probably stuffed some ballots on the other end (Kari’s defeat). Both were chosen behind the scenes, nonetheless.
When you get down to the final onion layer, it just reveals that our rulers are corrupt and chosen for us. They function like a parasite that reinforces itself. Sadly, there is no voting out or reforming a parasite.
Our system is broken, even when “our guy” wins. Arizona is but one of many pieces of evidence that attests to that fact.
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