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best affordable pepper spray

Top 2 Affordable Pepper Spray (OC Spray) For Self Defense

Looking for OC spray? Here are my top two recommendations if you're looking for the best affordable pepper spray currently available.

best affordable pepper spray

2020 update: I now use POM. Look them up for another great option.

Looking for the best affordable pepper spray currently on the market in 2017?

I’d always recommend you apply for a conceal carry permit and start carrying it. However, if you prefer an ‘easier’ route for self defense, then pepper spray is a good starting point.

Most states you don’t need a license and there are no special regulations for carrying it. Obviously, check your own state. But in mine, I can carry it everywhere. It’s a lot more accepted than a handgun.

Plus, it’s an incredibly versatile product. The newer versions (post-2015) have a much better design so you won’t accidentally get hit with pepper spray blow-back. And they go much, much farther.

But still, some products are always better than others.

And after volunteering for some local gun shows, I got to know all of them incredibly intimately.

So if you want to know the best options for 2017, you’ve come to the right place.

Best Affordable Pepper Spray Disclaimer

Know your laws.

Some states are kinda picky on the pepper spray topic. I’m sure you can guess which states.

But prior to purchasing or attempting to get a shipment of some pepper spray, make sure it complies with your state’s individual laws.

If you can’t get it shipped, it’s incredibly easy to find a retail location.

IMPORTANT UPDATE 2020: I have since switched to POM pepper spray. I like the design better and it still punches well. It’s my new #1.

Top 2 Best Affordable Pepper Spray For Self Defense

In terms of design and longevity, you can’t beat Sabre.

It’s the #1 pepper spray distributor for tons of police departments, including NYPD, Chicago PD, and the US Marshalls. So, they know their product.

My two favorites are:

  1. 3-in-1 Pepper Spray – Sabre Advanced Police Strength

  2. Sabre Red Pepper Gel – Police Strength

Sabre 3-in-1 Pepper Spray

best affordable pepper sprayBenefits:

  • Includes CS tear gas plus UV marking dye to aid in suspect identification
  • 10 foot range
  • 25 burst succession
  • Includes clip
  • 35 sprays per can
  • 4 year shelf life
  • Free training video included

The only downside is the safety lever. I always have to duct tape it down so it stays in the correct spot. Otherwise, it moves too easily. I haven’t had an accidental fire, but I also don’t want to risk it. It wouldn’t have this problem if holstered, but I rarely holster it.

Overall, you’re not going to find a better deal for the price.

Who knows? It may save you from an unfair fight one day.

Sabre Red Pepper Gel

best affordable pepper sprayBenefits:

  • It’s a gel, so it eliminates wind blow-back problems associated with the spray
  • UV dye aids in identification of attacker
  • This one comes with a free holster, if you’re into that kind of thing
  • 18 foot range (longer than previous)
  • 18 sprays per canister
  • 4 year shelf life
  • Free training video included

You can’t really go wrong with gel. But you can do it so incredibly right, as Sabre demonstrates.

This pepper spray has one of the highest rankings of net SHU and Major Capsaicinoids from nearly all other brands of pepper spray at 200,000 and 1.33%, respectively.

I personally am not a major fan of the gel, but most people love them. If you can afford it, get both to try out which you’d prefer.

Overall, both of these pepper sprays are your best bet for the best affordable pepper spray currently available on the market.

I recommend Sabre to anyone that used to ask me about the differing pepper spray brands. And if they asked for specifics, I always recommended the Red Pepper or the 3-in-1.

The competition just doesn’t stack up. Either the material isn’t as strong, they fail the blow-back test (sometimes up to 30% of the time), have a mediocre amount of sprays, or they are prohibitively expensive.

So, for the best affordable option, you won’t beat these two.

If you’re not quite sold or if you have more questions, I have a link for you.

Check out Sabre’s official FAQ. They can easily clear up the most common questions people have before buying pepper spray.

Otherwise, feel free to leave me a comment on and I’ll do my best to answer any question you have.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1382


    • As do I. But hey, for those who don’t want to carry a gun it’s probably the best alternative

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