InSocietyRead Time6 minsAppeal To Authority: The Real Covid PlagueAn article on our people's obsession with the appeal to authority. Why are we so focused on trusting the "experts"?ByKaisarOnFebruary 14, 2022
InSocietyRead Time0 minsThe Track Record Of CNNLet's review a timeline of CNN regarding the covid vax.ByKaisarOnFebruary 7, 20222 Comments
InSocietyRead Time3 minsMedia: The Effectiveness Of The Subtle LieA recent article by a mainstream media organization showcases the effectiveness of the subtle lie.ByKaisarOnFebruary 3, 2022
InSocietyRead Time7 minsFor The Anti-Secessionists: Hope You Enjoy Living With These PeopleTackling the anti-secessionists. Living with these people is a nightmare, and conquering them will do little to remove their insanity.ByKaisarOnJanuary 21, 20222 Comments
InSocietyRead Time9 minsBranch Covidians Move The Goalpost Again: “It Wasn’t Meant To Stop Transmission”A new shift in the narrative. This time the Branch Covidians are touting that the vax "wasn't meant to stop transmission". Let's fact check this one with some videos.ByKaisarOnJanuary 11, 2022
InSocietyRead Time1 minThe Amish Have Covid Figured OutReviewing the Amish approach to the covid pandemic. Including a video by a Mennonite explaining their process.ByKaisarOnJanuary 6, 2022
InSocietyRead Time4 minsThe Scott Adams’ Vax Prediction TimelineLet's review the timeline for Scott Adams' vax prediction. How are things holding up for the self-proclaimed "best predictor"?ByKaisarOnJanuary 4, 2022
InAnnouncementsRead Time0 minsHappy New Year 2022I hope you all have an excellent New Year. Here's to the hope that the coming year is better than the last.ByKaisarOnDecember 31, 2021
InSocietyRead Time0 minsA Collection Of The Sayings Of The Branch Covidians13 of my favorite sayings of the Branch Covidians. The useful idiots on full display for their puppet masters.ByKaisarOnDecember 28, 20217 Comments
InSocietyRead Time7 minsTrump Continues To Disappoint: A Full Leap Into The Covid CultAnother day, another Trump disappointment. We may as well make this a running series at this point.ByKaisarOnDecember 22, 2021