InEnclavism, SocietyRead Time18 minsThe Fall Of Christendom And The Great Lie Of The EnlightenmentWhy did Christendom fall? What role does the Enlightenment play regarding our beliefs in the modern era?ByKaisarOnSeptember 27, 20232 Comments
InEnclavismRead Time5 minsWhat Is A Nation? Wikipedia Accidentally Gets It RightWikipedia is fully leftist owned. But they slipped up by accidentally exposing the truth about what makes a nation.ByKaisarOnSeptember 26, 2023
InEnclavismRead Time3 minsThe Newspaper Has Always Been Political PropagandaThe news was, is, and always will be some form of political propaganda.ByKaisarOnAugust 31, 2023
InEnclavismRead Time6 minsPoetic Irony: A. Mitchell Palmer And The FBIA. Mitchell Palmer is an obscure name, but he is an important character in our history. Conservatives can learn many lessons from his failure.ByKaisarOnAugust 24, 20234 Comments
InEnclavismRead Time10 minsThe Isolated Class: An Emperor By Other MeansMany people fear a political strongman, but they simultaneously overlook the market dictator. Even though the latter is just as dangerous.ByKaisarOnAugust 18, 2023
InEnclavism, WorldRead Time6 minsCivilizationalism: A Pathway For A Better FutureDiscussing a common critique of nationalism: the idea that it cannot work in the modern era. The solution is civilizationalism.ByKaisarOnAugust 16, 2023
InEnclavismRead Time8 minsDoubting The Counter-NarrativeThree narratives exist: The mainstream narrative, the mainstream's counter-narrative, and a true alternative narrative. Here is how to recognize each.ByKaisarOnAugust 4, 20234 Comments
InEnclavismRead Time8 minsDante’s Inferno: The Medieval Importance Of NationDante's Inferno is an excursion into the nationalist mind of Christendom.ByKaisarOnJuly 28, 2023
InEnclavismRead Time6 minsFighting The Uniparty: The First ‘Third Party’ In The U.S.There was a third party in the U.S. that figured out the uniparty system back in 1832. This group is a part of our heritage as dissidents.ByKaisarOnJuly 27, 2023
InEnclavismRead Time9 minsThe Lie Of Government InefficiencyThe government is incredibly efficient at what they want to be efficient at.ByKaisarOnJuly 21, 2023